Gateway (6) Teacher’s Book Gateway is a lively six-level series for children between the ages of six and twelve. It has a clear functional and grammatical syllabus that provides students with a framework within which to learn real-world English. Its gradual…more Summit 2/e (2) Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner with Active Teach DVD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more | 英文商務書信範例&應用(彩圖二版)(16K軟皮精裝) 商務書信是職場上專門使用的溝通書信,包括信件、電子郵件、傳真、備忘錄、報告、履歷等各類文件,方便個人對個人(公司內部同事)、公司對公司(與其他企業組織)的商業溝通。 商務書信並非複雜又難寫,它是一種文字簡明、格式固定,又能立即點…more 朗文生活萬用句典(1MP3) (新版) 根據日常生活情境與場合提供最完整豐富的句型與表達法,每個主句之下,皆有替換句法、對話範例,並適時提供單字說明、使用重點,提高學習效果。 將英語會話表現分為「表達內容」和「對話場景」來編排,以利讀者根據所想表達的內容,或者身處的場景來…more |