Engaging Writing 1:Essential Skills for Academic Writing 出版社:東華 優惠價:600元 Engaging Writing, a newly expanded two-level series, gives students the concepts and skills they need for success in academic writing. Engaging Writing provides clear, step-by-step instruction in the writing process, focusing firs…more
出版社:東華 作者:Jeanette Greenwell、Stephen Lawrence 優惠價:400元 Gateway is a lively six-level series for children between the ages of six and twelve. It has a clear functional and grammatical syllabus that provides students with a framework within which to learn real-world English. Its gradual…more | 出版社:貝塔 優惠價:9折288元 3不5時.自言自語.無師自通學英語終結埋首苦讀的懶人包極限學習法2個月讓英文輕鬆表達、順暢出口! 從「支支吾吾」升級到「自信表達」,說好英文的關鍵在靈活運用簡單句型! 神明護體第一招:集中火力,專攻最需要的英文句子! 10個每日…more
英文Email,你應該抄這一本!(超值光碟附贈全書常用情境英文Email範本) 出版社:捷徑文化 作者:松井梢 優惠價:79折236元 擔心自己英文不好, 在職場上被取代嗎? 害怕自己寫的Email語意不清, 有損公司形象, 可是又沒時間上補習班嗎? 覺得寫英文Email好煩, 不想花腦筋去想嗎? 沒有關係! 不管你是沒有信心、沒有時間、或是純粹很懶想拿來應…more |